ETP4HPC General Assembly in a nutshell

Our chairman opens the GA
Our chairman opens the GA
Gustav Kalbe - EC
Gustav Kalbe - EC
Maria Perez - BDVA
Maria Perez - BDVA
RIAG - Axel Auweter
RIAG - Axel Auweter
SRA - Michael Malms
SRA - Michael Malms
FETHPC projects - JF Lavignon
FETHPC projects - JF Lavignon


Pictures, short summary and pointers to more information for those who were unable to attend.

Our 9th General Assembly was held in Sassenheim, near Amsterdam, on 19 March, 2019. All attendees were also invited to a networking dinner in the evening before the GA. Our new members were able to mingle in a relaxed atmosphere.

The new ETP4HPC annual report was distributed to attendees – it is also available online, or you can request a printed copy from

After the overview of the past year presented by our chairman Jean-Pierre Panziera (Atos), a large part of the GA was dedicated to the EuroHPC JU. The intervention by Gustav Kalbe, Interim Executive Director of the EuroHPC JU was much appreciated, particularly as he shared insights on the actual workings of EuroHPC, including funding mechanisms.

Axel Auweter (Megware, member of ETP4HPC Steering Board) detailed the composition and operation of the EuroHPC Research and Innovation Advisory Groupe (RIAG), which is from now on our channel to advise on the HPC work programme for 2019-2020 - and beyond. ETP4HPC will be able to send 3 observers to the RIAG, in addition to the 4 representatives already designated.

Michael Malms (IBM, our expert in charge of the Strategic Research Agenda - SRA) presented the roadmap for the production of our fourth SRA, and called for new experts to join the team already working on the different topics.

8 new members had made the trip to Sassenheim and officially received their Membership Certificate from the hands of our chairman: ConstelCom, CoolIt, Fabriscale, Inspur, Mellanox, Saiver, Submer, UCit.

As we are increasingly working with the BDVA association, in particular within the RIAG and for the SRA, we had invited BDVA’s Maria Perez (UPM) to present her association to our members. (If you are interested in our work with BDVA, see the paper we prepared with them).

Finally, Jean-François Lavignon (T&S) gave an overview of the results of the FETHPC 2015 projects that ended recently, as compiled by EXDCI. (Our annual report contains an article by Jean-François summarizing his presentation).


Note to ETP4HPC members: the slides are available in the Members' area!

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