39th ORAP Forum, March 28, 2017, CNRS, Paris


The 39th ORAP Forum: 'Emerging and Future Architectures for HPC in the World // HPC Input-Output and Storage', took place on the 28th of March at CNRS, Paris.

This ORAP Forum explored two topics. International (China, Japan) and European Mont-Blanc projects presentations were an opportunity to emphasize the rising interest for ARM-based HPC architectures, among other considerations and visions delivered by large players - including HPC and big data convergence. This latter topic was then further explored in a second part of the event, where trends in I/O and storage for HPC were highlighted by academic or industrial experts, from technology to applications, emphasising also new concepts and software organisation aspects.
These two topics are not disconnected: usage evolution in all domains is questioning an increasingly intertwined vision of computing and data processing. This was illustrated by the different technical, scientific or strategic presentations, and we were able to discuss how more and more crucial data movement and storage features and capabilities must be globally envisioned.

  •  Dr Jean-Philippe Nominé, CEA/ETP4HPC Office Expert,  gave a short talk on EU HPC landscape and then chaired a session on Storage and IO with two salient H2020-funded European Exa-scale Projects:
  • SAGE percipient storage, Malcolm Muggeridge & Sai Narasimhamurthy – Seagate, http://www.sagestorage.eu/
  • NEXTGenIO – non-volatile memory for next generation I/O, Michele Weiland, EPCC, http://www.nextgenio.eu/

Find more information on this forum and its agenda here.


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