Preparation for the Release of SRA 3


ETP4HPC is currently carrying out work on finalising its new Strategic Research Agenda (SRA 3), which is due to be released and distributed by the end of October 2017, after the WP17 call closure end of September 2017.

The ETP4HPC Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) is our key deliverable. It is a document that outlines a roadmap for the achievement of exascale capabilities by the European High-Performance Computing (HPC) ecosystem. The milestones set in the SRA are used to define the contents of the HPC Technology R&D Work Programmes managed by the European Commission. You can read our publications here.

It will be the 3rd issue and the 2nd full version of this document and it will cover the remaining part of Horizon 2020, serving as a reference for the technology (and application) related calls. As per our established process, the Working Groups of the SRA was open to all ETP4HPC members and we also consulted other sources and experts, e.g. the Centres of Excellence in Computing Applications, Big Data Value Association, EuroLab-4-HPC, HiPEAC, amongst others. This work was carried out within the EXDCI coordination action. In parallel to developing the SRA, ETP4HPC continues with all other strands of its activity, for example the definition and implementation of the Extreme-scale Demonstrators (EsDs).

Programme of events related to the SRA 3 preparation.

For the details of the process of SRA 3, please visit:

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