ETP4HPC at e-Infrastructures & RDA for data intensive science Workshop in Paris

ETP4HPC at e-Infrastructures & RDA for data intensive science Workshop in Paris
ETP4HPC at e-Infrastructures & RDA for data intensive science Workshop in Paris


ETP4HPC was invited to take part in a panel on “Service orientation to data and high-performance computing infrastructures” track of this event, a pre-plenary part of the large Research Data Alliance 6th Plenary Meeting  of September 23 – 25.

Dr. Jean-Philippe Nominé from the ETP4HPC Office made a short presentation on this occasion, on ETP4HPC’s cutting-edge computing technologies  and their contribution to Data and Compute Intensive Science and e-Infrastructures. The panel involved a number of leading computing and data initiatives from Europe or from outside Europe (PRACE, ETP4HPC, Helix Nebula, EGI, INDIGO-DataCloud, XSEDE, Compute Canada, RNP/Brazil).

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