FETHPC2 call – update

FETHPC2 call – update
FETHPC2 call – update


Members of ETP4HPC were invited to participate in a new ETP4HPC Working Group, with an aim to prepare the ETP4HPC position on the contents of the FETHPC2 call (2016/17 – see http://www.etp4hpc.eu/news/fethpc-2-ec-call-hpc-ecosystem-development).

ETP4HPC would like to contribute to the FETHPC2 call with a project proposal, with its main objectives as follows:
– to create activities and tools for the development of the entire European HPC Eco-system
– to provide a mechanism to determine whether the activities of the European HPC Eco-system lead to the agreed strategic results and to amend the agreed tools and policies if needed.

The project aims to manage a portfolio of instruments in order to implement and verify the agreed HPC Strategy targeting the entire EU HPC Eco-system, i.e. technology/industry, infrastructure and applications. It is envisaged that representatives of all these three pillars will take part in the project.

The project will assess the implementation of the HPC strategy, monitor the strategy’s progress and impact, suggest actions if needed, focus on attracting young talent identifying job and research opportunities, support the creating of Eco-system development tools and liaise with the international HPC community.

The Working Group is determining what tools, structures and metrics, etc. should be included in this project. In particular, we will identify the activities that ETP4HPC would like to propose for this Support Action in order to facilitate and develop our ecosystem, reflecting the needs of ETP4HPC.

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