5th Contractual Public-Private Partnership (cPPP) HPC Partnership Board Meeting



ETP4HPC attended the fifth meeting of the cPPP Partnership Board on the 11th of May 2016 in Prague, where EC representatives, the Centres of Excellence (CoEs), PRACE and ETP4HPC Steering Board members met.

ETP4HPC is the European Commission's partner in the contractual Public-Private Partnership (cPPP) for High-Performance Computing. The objectives of this cPPP are: to develop the next generation of HPC technologies, applications and systems towards exascale and to achieve excellence in HPC applications delivery and use. The cPPP for HPC covers two pillars of the European HPC eco-system: technology provision and application expertise.

During this meeting, Marcin Ostasz, an ETP4HPC office expert, gave an update on its international collaboration activities, where the outcomes of last year’s Bird-of-a-Feather Session at SC’15 was presented and also that of this year’s BoF, which is at the approval stage. Michael Malms, also an ETP4HPC office expert and their SRA leader, gave a presentation on updated SRA (SRA 2), which was issued in November 2015. There was also a discussion on a roadmap for large scale demonstrators. The next SRA is scheduled to be issued in 2017 and work will start on this during the second half of 2016. Jean-Philippe Nominé commented that the status of the cPPP annual report is being prepared by ETP4HPC office.

The EC gave a brief presentation on The European Cloud Initiative and HPC strategy, where several points were highlighted: the Communication states clearly the ambition to have a European source of technology in the HPC ecosystem; additional investments will be required to achieve the initiative's goals; there is a clear message for the integration of technologies in larger Projects; the IPCEI (International Projects of Common European Interest) mentioned in the Communication is to be largely supported by Member States, comes in addition to the cPPP - the project needs to be checked by DG COMP on State Aid compliance with internal market rules; the Co-design approach is paramount, making sure that users are involved; the CoEs on HPC can also become innovation hubs with regard to the digitalisation of industry; the cPPP on Big Data and on HPC should work together more closely; there is a common paper endorsed by both cPPPs; and, the Governance of the European Cloud Initiative will be in the coming months.

The next cPPP Board meeting will take place on 8th of November in Brussels.


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