New ETP4HPC representatives at the EuroHPC RIAG elected


At their meeting held just before the ETP4HPC Conference, our Steering Board elected the new ETP4HPC representatives at the EuroHPC Research and Innovation Advisory Group (RIAG):

ETP4HPC Members at RIAG:

  • Daniele Cesarini (CINECA)
  • Maike Gilliot (CEA) - new member of RIAG
  • Hans-Christian Hoppe (ParTec AG) - new member of RIAG

ETP4HPC Observers at RIAG:

  • Rémi Barbarin (Bull / Eviden) - new observer
  • Valeria Bartsch (Fraunhofer) - new observer
  • Martin Palkovic (ECMWF)
  • Craig Prunty (SiPearl) - new observer

Congratulations to the new appointees and a big thank you to all the candidates who volunteered for this task!

The Research and Innovation Advisory Group (RIAG) is a component of the EuroHPC JU's Industrial and Scientific Advisory Board, which provides independent advice to the Governing Board on the strategic research and innovation agenda and on the acquisition and operation of the supercomputers owned by the Joint Undertaking. 

The RIAG is composed of  12 members, six of which are appointed by the Private Members (i.e. ETP4HPC, DAIRO/BDVA and QuiC) and the other six  are appointed by the Governing Board. 12 observers are appointed similarly. ETP4HPC has three members in the RIAG, as well as four observers. Together they represent the interests of our association in the EuroHPC RIAG. 

More information on the RIAG>>

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