TETRAMAX publishes the 1st call for bilateral Technology Transfer Experiments


TETRAMAX focuses on the domain of customized low-energy computing for Cyber-physical systems and the Internet of Things within the framework of the European "Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE)" initiative.   During the TETRAMAX project run time (Sep 2017 – Aug 2021), there will be different open calls offering you the opportunity to contribute to the TETRAMAX technology transfer experiments (TTX) with significant funding opportunities. The first call for bilateral TTX was published the 30th of November 2017.  

The bilateral TTX require one academic and one industry partner from two different EU countries or associated countries.  In justified cases, both partners can be SMEs.  One academic or SME partner transfers a particular novel hardware or software technology in the domain of Customized Low-Energy Computing for Cyber-Physical Systems or the Internet of Things to a receiving industry partner (privately funded, preferably an SME or mid-cap) from a different EU country. The receiving partner adopts and deploys this technology to enable improved products or processes (e.g. by gains concerning product cost, performance, or power consumption). Thereby, the technology receiver will achieve innovation and measureable impact, e.g. in terms of increased revenue or newly created jobs. The financial support can be up to €50,000.  The project duration should be short term, between 6 to 12 months.  More information can be found at http://www.tetramax.eu/ttx/calls

The call closing deadline will be the 28th of February 2018!  Please send any questions to opencalls@tetramax.eu.

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