ICT 2015 – Innovate, Connect, Transform, 20-22 October, 2016, Lisbon

ICT 2015 – Innovate, Connect, Transform, 20-22 October 2015 in Lisbon, Portugal
ICT 2015 – Innovate, Connect, Transform, 20-22 October 2015 in Lisbon, Portugal


The ICT15 event in Lisbon, took place over three days and attracted more than 5,700 participants. It was comprised of a number of parallel activities: a policy conference which presented the new Commission’s policies and initiatives on Research & Innovation in ICT (Horizon 2020 Programme); an interactive exhibition showcasing the best results and impact of most recent EU ICT Research & Innovation; many networking opportunities to enhance quality partnerships, helping participants find partners, connect Research and Innovation and trigger collaboration; Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2016-2017 thematic sessions, offering detailed information on the funding opportunities in ICT sector; and, the Startup Europe Forum, offering a set of activities profiling EU policy actions for startups and SMEs, innovators, private and public investors.


ETP4PHC held a booth at the exhibition and organised a networking session on Tuesday, October 20. This gave ETP4HPC the opportunity to present the progress of European HPC, the European HPC Technology Roadmap towards exascale and to facilitate networking (Networking Sessions Programme) among the members of the European HPC ecosystem and other related areas. The objectives of ETP4HPC were to remind and illustrate: the development of world-class HPC technologies and applications, leading to exascale systems and their use in science and industry, facilitating academic excellence, innovation and job creation, contributing to the competitiveness of Europe and the addressing of the Grand Societal Challenges.

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Our Networking session was set-up with three thematic stands: 1/ ETP4HPC, its goals, membership and activity areas; 2/ Strategic Research Agenda (the European HPC Technology Road-map towards exascale; and, 3/ETP4HPC Networking i.e. information on ETP4HPC members.

This networking session resulted in: attracting potential new members to the organisation, maintained or created new relationships with other areas (projects, organisations), and, also allowed our members and other organisations or projects, to initiate contacts that might prove helpful in forming project teams. The overall objective being to continue to stimulate the growth of the European HPC Ecosystem and attract organisations and projects who would like to take part in the process of building a competitive European HPC Technology Value Chain and Application Expertise Base.


? ICT15, Lisbon, October 20-22, 2015


For more information on this event and associated activities, please contact office@etp4hpc.eu .

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