7th cPPP Meeting, May 17, 2017, Barcelona


The contractual Public-Private Partnership (cPPP) for High-Performance Computing held their seventh meeting during the European HPC Summit Week at Barcelona Supercomputing Center on May 16th, where ETP4HPC’s Steering Board (the EC’s partner in the cPPP) and representatives from the 9 Centres of Excellence (CoEs), plus PRACE and the Big data PPP (BDVA) as guests, met with members of the EC.

Thomas Skordas, Director for Digital Excellence and Science Infrastructure (inside DGCNECT) for the EC, and Jean-Pierre Panziera, ETP4HPC Chair, co-chaired the meeting.

During the meeting many topics were presented, amongst them:

  • the importance of SMEs and their strong role in ETP4PHC
  • the European Commission’s plans in relation to HPC and the role of EuroHPC (established in March), for acquiring and deploying an integrated world-class high-performance computing infrastructure - exascale computers
  • the importance of independent technology sourcing
  • ETP4HPC Strategic Research Agenda; the future of Centres of Excellence; Work Programme 2018-2020 preparation
  • HPC cPPP mid-term review (starting May 2017 until October 2017)
  • Cooperation with  the Big Data PPP and BDVA Association
  • International cooperation
  • Communication, especially towards the general public

The next cPPP meeting will be held in Brussels, October 25th, 2017.

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