ETP4HPC at BDVA Summit, Nov 29 - Dec 2, 2016, Valencia


The BDVA Summit 2016 took place in Valencia from November 29th to December 2nd 2016 with ETP4HPC being represented at the summit by Marcin Ostasz, ETP4HPC Office expert, who is based at BSC, Barcelona. Any entity interested in the field of Big Data was welcome to attend.

The aims of the summit were: to drive forward the Big Data Value ecosystem and improve visibility of BDVA and BDV PPP; to get real needs from users and data owners; understand the state of the art in Big Data Technologies and the new challenges; continue working on main themes from previous summits and EDF conference; and, to provide the means for idea incubation and consortium building for 2017 calls.

Marcin Ostasz, took part in a panel on collaboration with other European initiatives, giving a presentation on the importance of HPC. The other panelists were:

  • Jean-Marie Spaus, IPCEI initiative on High Performance Computing and Big Data enables Applications, Ministry of Economy Luxembourg
  • Martine Sindelar, COPERNICUS User Uptake Unit, DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs Space Data for Societal Challenges and Growth, European Commission
  • Ad ten Berg, ARTEMIS Industry Association, Office Director

Marcin also took part in the Parallel Session/Working Group titled ‘High Performance Data Analytics: Big Compute and Big Data Working Together For European Success’ where the objectives were: One of Europe’s main challenges in the coming years will be to seize the opportunities of the digital economy. Europe must identify the strategic assets that need to be further developed to remain competitive on a global scale. Looking at such priorities, the development of high-performance computing (HPC) infrastructures and expertise in big data are of essential importance to the modernisation and the continued competiveness of European industries.

The speeches included:

  • Title: The benefits of increased collaborations between BDVA and ETP4HPC PPPs
  • Speaker: Jim Kenneally, Intel Corporation and BDVA BoD member.
  •  Overview: 'The BDVA (Big Data Value Association) and the ETP4HPC (European Technology Platform for High-Performance Computing) recently announced an increase in collaborations to strengthen Europe’s position in these two domains. Jim highlighted how cooperation between ETP4HPC and BDVA will exploit all the synergies between them including influencing of respective technical roadmaps regarding interdependencies and complementary aspects. Additionally, the collaboration will facilitate joint interactions between both communities such as joint supportive actions (e.g. Lighthouse Projects, Centre of Excellences, Extreme Scale Demonstrators, etc), workshops, conferences and so forth'.
  • Title: European HPC Technology Roadmap
  • Speaker: Marcin Ostasz, ETP4HPC Office Expert
  •  Overview: 'Marcin presented the European HPC Exa-scale technology roadmap (Strategic Research Agenda, and how it relates to the Big Data area. Marcin also talked about European HPC prototypes (Extreme-Scale Demonstrators, EsDs) which will serve the purpose of integrating and validating the European HPC technologies and allowing users (e.g. the Big Data Community) to participate in the design of the future HPC systems. The talk concluded with highlighting the main developments in the European HPC eco-system and its overall ambitions'.
  • Title: High Performance Computing and Big Data Enabled Applications (IPCEI-HPC-BDA)
  • Speaker: Jean-Marie Spaus, Minister of Economy Luxembourg, coordinator of the IPCEI initiative on High Performance Computing and Big Data.
  •  Overview: 'HPC, big data and ultra-fast internet access are enabling technologies for all European industrial sectors. Europe has a unique opportunity to act now and invest in the development and deployment of HPC technology, Big Data and Applications. Failure to do so will seriously undermine European competitiveness and Europe will miss an important opportunity to ensure its industries compete on a global level. In order to address these European e-infrastructure challenges, to provide a springboard for new economic growth, Luxembourg, Italy and France have initiated an Important Project of Common European Interest on High Performance Computing and Big Data enabled Applications. This talk shared insights on the IPCEI-HPC-BDA three pillars, in support of the above objectives'.
  • Title: High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Application (cHiPSet)
  • Speaker: Horacio González-Vélez, cHiPSet Vice Chair
  •  Overview: 'This presentation will demonstrate how one of the largest COST Actions in Horizon 2020 (encompassing partners in 38 countries) is creating a long-lasting, sustainable, reference network of research and innovation links amongst the HPC and the multiple Modelling and Simulation research communities addressing Big Data problems. This talk demonstrate how this Action is systematically fostering interconnected research on Big Data through the organisation of meetings, workshops, visits, and summer schools with the participation of HPC and Modelling & Simulation researchers from Europe and overseas. The talk concluded with overview of the four cHiPSet working groups (infrastructure, programming, life sciences, and physical/social sciences)'.

You can see BDVA's photo gallery of this event here.

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