TETRAMAX 1st call for Value Chain Oriented & Interdisciplinary Technology Transfer Experiments is open!


TETRAMAX opened a new call for Value Chain Oriented and Interdisciplinary Technology Transfer Experiments (TTX), deadline is May 31, 2018, 17:00 CET.
This Value Chain Oriented and Interdisciplinary Technology Transfer Experiments (TTX) requires a cooperation between three or more partners (in case a multidisciplinary collaboration is needed) from at least two different EU member states and/or countries associated to Horizon 2020.
This TTX activity brings together:

  • One partner (A) providing a particular novel CLEC hardware or software technology from research; up to three further auxiliary partners (from academia or industry) may be included in the consortium in case an interdisciplinary cooperation is required for a successful TTX.
  • One "Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) partner" (B) testing and deploying the technology in its dedicated, possibly even non?tech, products with its end customers.
  • Another partner (C) aiming at productizing this technology as a "platform" in the long?term for a wider market.

More information can be found here: https://www.tetramax.eu/ttx/calls/tetramax-valuechain-ttx-1/? 

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