ETP4HPC 7th General Assembly, March 21, 2017, Munich


ETP4HPC’s 7th General Assembly was held on 21st of March to which all members were invited. IBM hosted this event at the new Watson IoT Center in Munich. Invited speakers at this event were: Gustav Kalbe, DGCNECT, who gave a presentation on ‘High Performance Computing European timeline overview’; Jean-François Lavignon (former ETP4HPC chair) who gave a report on the BDEC March 2017 Closed Workshop in Wuxi, China; Will Schilders, TU Eindhoven, who gave a short presentation on EU-MATHS-IN, and, Gordon Wollgam, Roland Berger, who presented a HPC Business case study for the European Investment Bank (EIB).

Jean-Pierre Panziera, the new ETP4HPC Chair, gave an overview of the life of ETP4HPC since the last general assembly in March 2016 and forthcoming 2017 activities.

Resolutions approving 2016 Activity and Financial Reports, and membership fees for 2017-18 were passed. The ETP4HPC’s new visual identity was officially launched.

Dr Michael Malms, ETP4HPC SRA project leader, presented ETP4HPC recommendations for HPC R&D priorities in the second half of H2020 – Work Programme 2018-2020; then Dr Gustav Kalbe, Head of the new HPC & Quantum Technologies DGCNECT Unit , presented a ‘High Performance Computing European timeline overview’. A rich discussion with the audience followed, on the new EC HPC ambitions, following April 2016 communications on the Digital Single Market and European Cloud Initiative,  and on what synergies it could produce with the activities of ETP4HPC and how it can be implemented in Horizon 2020 second part – Work Programme 2018-2020.

At the end of the day it was concluded that what is at stake now is on moving forward, leveraging, amplifying and accelerating the recent EC-funded HPC efforts, grasping H2020 opportunities to catch up and keep in pace within the global race.

The agenda for this event can be consulted here.

Presentation slides:


More details

Jean-Pierre Panziera, ETP4HPC Chair, welcomed members and thanked Oliver Droske, IBM, for hosting the General Assembly, which proceeded with a presentation on the new Watson IoT Center.

The Chair gave an overview of the life of ETP4HPC by looking back over activities, events and achievements since the last general assembly in March 2016, and also, looking forward to what is in store in the future. He started by thanking Jean-François Lavignon, formerly Bull/ATOS & ETP4HPC Chair (until Dec. 2016), for his work with ETP4HPC. He continued by giving an overview of members’ statute and the main activities and work of the association:

  • the Strategic Research Agenda (main deliverable for 2017) with a kick-off meeting for “SRA3” (2017 version) taken place the previous day
  • Work Programme 2018-2020 expert recommendations from eight ETP4PHC working groups and through interlocks with Centres of Excellence, PRACE, BDVA, HiPEAC, and Eurolab-4-HPC; delivered to the EC end of 2016 already
  • HPC cPPP: contractual Public Private Partnership dialogue with the EC (DGCNECT)
  • involvement with European eXtreme Data and Computing Initiative (EXDCI) for HPC ecosystem development in close collaboration with PRACE

He also touched on some highlights of events: SRA and EsD workshops; conferences and exhibitions; joint events with EXDCI and PRACE, and, participation in EC events; links with CoEs; and some events, which connected ETP to HiPEAC; BDVA (cPPP) and BDEC.

Also, ETP4HPC’s new visual identity was officially launched, and then resolutions passed, with voting on the 2016 Activity and Financial Reports and on Membership Fees for 2017/2018.

The assembly continued with presentations from Dr Michael Malms, ETP4HPC SRA project leader, on ETP4HPC vision of priorities; and from Dr Gustav Kalbe, on ‘High Performance Computing European timeline overview’. A rich discussion with the audience followed on the new EC HPC ambitions, following April 2016 communications on the Digital Single Market and European Cloud Initiative and on what synergies it could produce with the activities of ETP4HPC and how it can be implemented in Horizon 2020 second part – Work Programme 2018-2020.

After the lunch break, ETP4HPC Office and Steering Board members gave more presentations on:

  • SME Work Group - Hugo Falter, ParTec and Frank Van der Hout, ClusterVision
  • KPIs and cPPP report – Dr Jean-Philippe Nominé, CEA
  • HPC Software Work Group – Prof. Mark Parsons, EPCC

Then invited speakers:

  • Will Schilders, TU Eindhoven, on EU-MATHS-IN, a new initiative to boost mathematics for industry in Europe
  • Gordon Wollgam, Roland Berger, on a HPC Business case study for the European Investment Bank (EIB).

The final presentations were given by new members who provided a brief description on their organisation’s activities/work related to HPC.

The assembly came to a close with ETP4HPC Chair thanking members for their attendance and for also being part of ETP4HPC, acknowledged to gain more momentum as an industry-led think tank and advisory group, whilst gaining visibility and interest throughout the European HPC community and in other continents. But at the end of the day it was concluded that what is at stake now is on moving forward, leveraging, amplifying and accelerating the recent EC-funded HPC efforts, grasping H2020 opportunities to catch up and keep in pace within the global race.


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