ETP4HPC ‘Industrial Use of EsDs’ Workshop, ISC 2017, June 22, Frankfurt


ETP4HPC organised a workshop, in conjunction with ISC 2017, on SRA 3 and Extreme-scale Demonstrators, with industrial users on the 22nd of June, in the Frankfurt Marriott Hotel. You may view the agenda here.

In its Strategic Research Agenda (SRA – available at, ETP4HPC recommends building and deploying HPC prototype systems (i.e. ‘Extreme-scale Demonstrators’ (EsDs)) as part of the HORIZON 2020 HPC R&D programmes. These systems are expected to demonstrate a high Technical Readiness Level (TRL 7-8) through technical characteristics such as scalability, power efficiency and packaging density at exascale level.

The benchmarking, evaluation and the use of these multi-peta-flop machines as innovative compute platforms via scientific and industrial applications is key: it can be expected that related HORIZON 2020 calls will explicitly stipulate the evaluation and use of these systems by industrial HPC users.

HPC users should consider the EsDs as samples of their future production systems. In this workshop potential deployment scenarios and user expectations were discussed. The European HPC Industrial End-User community (i.e. companies using HPC systems in their daily business) had an opportunity to familiarise themselves with the EsD concept and share their expectations in relation to the future system. The Users presented the application they would like to run on the future systems and also other requirements the EsD would have to meet.

This meeting provided an insight into the EsD concept and its setup, and allowed interested industrial HPC users and ISVs to express their needs and expectations regarding the potential use of EsDs:

  • Presentation by EsD Experts: Extreme-scale Demonstrators: scope, project structure, and deployment 
  • Industrial Users: Presentation of their use of HPC, their applications and workflows, and their expectations towards EsDs
  • Joint discussion and next steps  
  • Recommendations for EsD project implementation
  • Open discussion on follow-up workshops for industrial high end HPC users

You can view the presentations here.

You can view videos of interviews by Primeur Magazine during this workshop here.

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