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We value your feedback and we encourage all external HPC experts to take part in our Public Call for Comments on SRA 3. We will use your feedback in our further work and in the preparation of our next SRA.

SRA 3/pujades/files/SRA%203.pdf the 3rd issue and the 2nd full version of this document,  covers the remaining part of Horizon 2020 HPC programme, serving as a reference for the technology (and application) related calls. As per our established process, the Working Groups of the SRA were open to all ETP4HPC members and we also consulted other sources and experts, e.g., the Centres of Excellence in Computing Applications, Big Data Value Association, EuroLab-4-HPC, HiPEAC and others. This work was carried out within the EXDCI coordination action. In parallel with developing the SRA, ETP4HPC continued all other strands of its activity, for example, the definition and implementation of the Extreme-scale Demonstrators (EsDs).

Please find below the milestones (events/workshops and deliverables) of the process of writing SRA 3:

  • 20th March 2017: Kick-off meeting at IBM IOT center in Munich  (SRA –workgroup leads, application owners, CoE, HiPEAC, BDVA, EUROLAB-4-HPC)
  • 3-21 April  2107 - SRA 3 'Popular' input - all SRA 3 Contributors (i.e. the ETP4HPC members listed in SRA 3 Working Groups) are requested to submit their bottom-up contributions. The input obtained will be reviewed by the relevant SRA 3 Working Groups. Please contact the Office for details of this process.
  • 18th May 2017:  Extreme-scale Demonstrators Round-table - during the European HPC Summit Week (involving: FETHPC projects (who will present their potential input into the EsD projects), CoE, HPC centres, system integrators, technology providers)    
  • 19th May 2017: 9-11am: SRA 3 Working Group Leaders Workshop (during the European HPC Summit Week) - Developing SRA Strategic Analysis and High-Level Technical Analysis. Location: Sala Severo Ochoa (Campus Nord UPC, Barcelona, near the BSC Computer - directions). The objective is to: 1/ complete an analysis of main HPC technology trends and 2/perform a SWOT analysis on the European HPC Technology Value Chain.
  • 22nd June 2017: Industrial Use of Extreme-scale Demonstrators - a worshop with an objective to determine how companies (users of HPC) can benefit from the EsD projects and what they expect from future machines.
  • 4th Jul 2017 - Bologna - within an EXDCI Technical Workshop - a common ETP4HPC/EsD - BDVA Workshop
  • May-July: writing, interlock with working groups
  • 10th July 2017 @ IBM Zurich - Final SRA Working Group Leaders Workshop (all day - reviewing the entire document)
  • July: integration, tuning, review
  • 31st July 2017: completion target
  • 30th September 2017: release and distribution after WP17 call closure
  • September 1st – October 13th: review SRA working groups / ETP members 
  • October 13th- November 9th : final tuning / final review ETP steering board
  • November: release on ETP4HPC website - DONE
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