ETP4HPC created the Handbook of European HPC projects many years ago to give more visibility to HPC funded projects, encourage interaction between and around projects, and generally help HPC enthusiasts find their way in the European HPC landscape. The Handbook includes, besides the projects financed by EuroHPC and older HPC calls, other projects closely related to HPC, including support actions.
Until 2021, the Handbook was released yearly. It is now a website that is constantly updated.
Note: if YOUR EC-funded project is related to HPC but not mentioned in the Handbook, report it to Office to make sure it is included!
The ETP4HPC Handbook is currently prepared with the support of HPC-GIG (High Performance Computing Governance Intelligence Gathering) project, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824151.