ETP4HPC welcomes industrial users of HPC, i.e. companies that use HPC in their operations. We encourage such organisations to become members of our association, take an active part in shaping the European HPC research strategy, and make their voice heard in the European HPC ecosystem.
Our Industrial Users Working Group has issued a position paper on the engagement with Industrial HPC Users in Europe. We encourage you to read it - and join them!
With the creation of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, ETP4HPC has become part of a permanent and solid mechanism for shaping the future of European HPC technology, use and infrastructure. Our chairman is the leader of EuroHPC’s Research and Innovation Advisory Group.
ETP4HPC membership can shorten the innovation life-cycle for companies using HPC by offering them direct access to the European HPC R&D programs and advising them on how to gain access to the HPC infrastructures.
ETP4HPC membership offers companies using HPC the following benefits:
European Industrial Users can become Full Members (with the right to vote for the members of the Steering Board and be elected to it) or Associated Members (without the voting/election right but with the rights to take part in the life of the Association) on par with other members of ETP4HPC. Please visit our Membership page for further details on the application process.
Here are the foundations of the Working Group launched to attract and support Industrial Users of HPC.