From 12/05/2024 to 16/05/2024
The ETP4HPC will exhibit again at ISC, on booth M21. We will welcome our members on our booth for a drink during the inauguration reception, on Monday, 13 May, 18:30.
This year again, we have invited some of our SME members to co-exhibit. Visit them on our booth:
We are also organising a BoF session entitled: The missing 20%: Do we need dedicated industrial-grade European systems? ETP4HPC, the European HPC Technology Platform, tackling the preparedness of Europe’s advanced HPC resources for industrial use. This session is organised by our SRA leader Sai Narasimhamurthy, who invited Oriol Pineda from Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, Stephan Schenk from BASF, Gerd Buettner from Airbus Operations.
⇒ Tuesday, 14 May 2024, 13:00-14:00, Hall E - 2nd floor
More information on this BoF on the ISC website>>