ETP4HPC webinar - Destination Earth DE_380 project: introduction and "Federation"



11am - 12 noon CEST

ETP4HPC is organising a series of 3 webinars to share the outcomes of project DE_380 - a Destination Earth project subcontracted to ETP4HPC by ECMWF, which aims to provide a Strategic Technology Agenda (STA) for DestinE.

The project’s experts provided by ETP4HPC and the DE_380 consortium first obtained an understanding of the technical challenges to be tackled during the course of DestinE’s lifetime, with a focus on the first years. Then based on their findings, they produced white papers on the identified challenges, spelling out their strategic recommendations to DestinE. 


This series of ETP4HPC webinars will present topics extracted from the DE_380 white papers, and we will start with

  • an introduction to the project and 
  • the findings and recommendations concerning the "Federation of Compute and Data Resources".



About project DE_380

Project DE_380 is running from September 2022 to October 2024. To perform the work, ETP4HPC is leading a consortium of partners involved in the TCI: Alliance for IoT and Edge Computing Innovation IVZW (AIOTI), Big Data Value Association (BDVA), European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO), European Service Network of Mathematics for Industry and Innovation (EU-MATHS-IN), High Performance Embedded Architecture and Compilation (HiPEAC) represented by Ghent University (UGENT), and 6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association (6G-IA).

Each partner organisation provides experts covering its domain, thus forming an outstanding pool of best-in-class expertise that covers the full breadth of ECMWF’s needs and expectations.


More information on DE_380>>


Speakers and panellists

  • Thomas Geenen (ECMWF)
  • Utz-Uwe Haus (HPE)
  • Craig Prunty (SiPearl)
  • Hans-Christian Hoppe (ParTec)



  • confirmed
    Internal ETP4HPC event
  • to be confirmed
    Internal ETP4HPC event
  • external
    External organisation event
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